At Chesterfield Primary School, we take attendance and punctuality very seriously as we want to give all our children the best possible start in life. There is a direct link between the amount of time children spend in school and the progress they make.
In our weekly assemblies we celebrate classes that reach 96% and above for the previous weeks' attendance, achieving classes receive a certificate. When a class gets ten certificates-there is a reward!
Well done to the following classes:
01./12/1022 to 08/12/12/2022
Argentina class 96%
England class 96%
France 96%
Peru 96%
Children with 100% attendance for this term will be presented with a special certificate on Friday 16th December.
We would like children to adopt good habits of attending and punctually. It is disruptive to your child and to the rest of the class when children arrive late. Children arriving late may miss important information and teaching. School gates open 8.50 and close at 9:05
Children are marked late if they arrive after 9.10