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The Enfield Learning Trust have taken the decision to consult on the following two issues:

  • A reduction in the planned admission number at Chesterfield Primary School from 120 to 90 from September 2018. This reflects the reduction in under 4's in the north east of Enfield.
  • The separation of Bowes Edmonton into a stand alone school.  There are two options - to become a 2 form entry primary school, or to become 1 form entry primary school with a special primary school for children with Social Emotional and Mental Health. In the case of the latter option, they would be stand alone schools but based on the same site.

The consultation period is now open. More information on the proposals and details of how you can have your say can be found on the attached leaflets at the bottom of this page.

November 2016

Thank you to all the parents who attended Bring a Parent to School morning on 14 November 2016. As usual the turn out was excellent. To view the presentation and other information that was shared on the day please go to our Curriculum page, under the 'About Us' tab. Alternatively, the information is available on our app.


We were fortunate to welcome Javed Moore and Silas Zephania to a Chesterfield assembly. They gave two hugely inspirational presentations to Year 3 - 6 about disability, adversity, determination, self-esteem and equality. Pupils and staff alike are still talking about the presentations, so positive were the messages, delivered through pictures, talk and hip-hop.

October 2016

Year 6 School Journey to Isle of Wight

Year 6 arrived on the island, after a lovely ferry crossing, for their weekend of fun filled activities.




This week some year 6 children have been helping year 1 children with maths.


The children in Nursery and Reception enjoyed their owl visit from "Nite Owls" today. They learned some facts about owls and then got to be part of a flying display. Some children were selected to help with the display and were very brave allowing the owls to land on their arms! All of the children had the opportunity to have their photo taken with the barn owl.

July 2016

It looks like Aiming Higher Club had an amazing time on their trip to Wales! More detail to follow...

ECCO Orchestra Club - What a fantastic opportunity to have a tour and rehearsal with other musicians and school groups at the Lyric Hammersmith on 11 July. The grand finale was supposed to be a performance at ‘Lyric in the Square’ to the public - shame about the drizzle - so we relocated inside! Thanks to Musiko Musika for arranging this occasion, and to parents for coming all the way from Enfield to support the children.  Skye said, “It was a special feeling!”

The Aiming Higher Club set off on Monday 18 July to Snowdon in Wales. We are sure they will develop their resilience, team building and outdoor pursuit skills!


Crocus class were enjoying exploring the value of money through role play. They were beginning to identify the coins and problem solve further by counting different amounts using all different coins.


Ambassador News

The Houses of Parliament trip in June was awesome. The Ambassadors learnt about the building, democracy and how politics works. They visited the House of Lords and saw where the monarch (Queen Elizabeth II) sits.  We also watched a debate between MPs in the House of Commons.

On Tuesday 12 July we presented a speech to the BLA Governors about our roles this year. We also had lots of sandwiches and crisps!

We all agree that being an Ambassador has been a fantastic learning opportunity, developing our confidence and leadership skills.

On Saturday 9 July Lale and nearly 200 people travelled to Brighton for our annual Family trip. They left Chesterfield at 7.45am, took 3 coaches and went to see the sights, shop the Lanes and paddle in the sea. The weather wasn’t fantastic but a great time was had by all!


June 2016

Singer and songwriter Jess Gold and her team from Project Earth Rock visited the school recently to highlight the importance of ‘greener' travel to school through a multi-media performance, presentation and recording session. The children in reception and year 1 and those in years 5 and 6 joined together to rehearse and perform songs about the benefits of sustainable transport before then creating and producing their own songs to further highlight the cause. These songs are now available to listen to on YouTube by clicking on the images below.


May 2016

On Friday 20 May, the girls from cricket club went to a  tournament at Edmonton Cricket Club. We were short-handed with only 7 players, but the girls performed brilliantly; especially considering this was their first ever cricket match! Having lost a tight first game by 10 runs, the girls managed to win an even tighter second game by just 1 run. Finishing second in the group, Chesterfield then proceeded to the semi-finals, where they were beaten by a very good Oakthorpe team, who were last season’s finalists. It really was a great afternoon - well done girls!

Nursery Bring a Parent to School Morning

The parents in nursery enjoyed the opportunity to see their children engaged in learning and to try out many of the different activities on offer. It was wonderful to see parents sitting at tables, helping with art creations, supporting their children with maths activities, having tea parties, sitting on the floor creating block structures and train tracks or just finding a cosy spot to read.


Chestnut Class Trip - Lea Valley Farm

Chestnut class had a lovely, sunny day out at Lea Valley Farm. They rode a tractor to a real working dairy farm where they learned all about where milk comes from. The children also got to feed goats and pigs and they saw many other farm animals.


April 2016

On Tuesday 26 April, 10 children from years 4, 5 and 6 were selected to take part in a business trip to JP Morgan, an investment bank, in Knightsbridge. When we arrived, the children were taken on a tour of the offices, where they saw exactly how an investment bank is run (ask them about the difference between a ‘Bull’ and a ‘Bear’ market).

For the rest of the day, everyone was introduced to the concept of ‘risk’ and how we can reduce the risk of losing money. While working in groups, the children were introduced to an elderly couple, who wanted to invest some money and get returns for a holiday. The children were given the choice of three companies to invest £20,000 in, with the intention of making as much profit as possible. There were volunteers from JP Morgan that came and helped everyone through the process, before deciding on an eventual winner.

 At the end of the day, they then had to write a report on their investments to feed back to the elderly couple. A fantastic day was had by all, and congratulations goes to the winning team: Azad, Yusra, Ashee, Angela and Sudenaz.

Our termly 'Bring A Parent to School' morning was a huge success. It was lovely to see so many parents taking part in class. This event had a science focus. Children were doing lots of exciting experiments. One experiment involved different coloured inks, water and paper towels.


Another was to see how water travelled through flowers. The children will have to wait for their results, they will then be recorded in their plant diairies.

March 2016

Our thanks to Leon for co-ordinating a wonderful fund raising week for Sports Relief – a whopping £300 just from the cake sale on Wednesday already! Also, thank you to all those who donated their time, cakes or money for this charity which Chesterfield children always ask to support.

Children (and staff!) danced their socks off all day - the Dance-a-thon was a rave of sounds, costumes and laughter! Children enjoyed eating their special packed lunches outside so they could take in the party atmosphere.

February 2016

Thank you to everyone who attended Bring a Parent to School Morning this week (9 February), it was a fantastic turnout – about 250 people - for the mathematics information session. We hope you find the maths activity packs useful at home, and you all enjoy playing maths games. The children loved having visitors and sharing their maths investigation and reasoning skills with you.

January 2016

150 international visitors (teachers and senior staff) came to Chesterfield last week (22 January 2016) to see how the school operates, and be shown all the technology in use with the children and staff. They were highly impressed with the premises and the range of  IT which included use of MakeyMakey (Input device), Scratch (Coding), 3D printer, use of iPads, iMovie, Garageband, BeeBots and animation. They also highlighted the behaviour and engagement of the children in their lessons.

“The pupils were so willing to speak.”

Many thanks to all staff who made this happen so successfully, and especially to the pupil Ambassadors, who were specifically mentioned by visitors as being helpful and informative when showing groups around.

“Your children will be well prepared for the future after attending your school”.

Oregano class kick-started their new learning journey with an orienteering day in Trent.  They spent the day focusing on their map work skills and competed against each other to find as many of the marker posts as possible.  We all had great fun - although we were a little muddy by the end of it!